Armor Codex


Armor NFT collection, called Codex gives holders early access and lower fees when using the Armor Wallet and a cut of the profit that Armor generates on trades.


Armor Codex

The codex is a collection of 10,000 NFTs that give the holder several benefits and rewards for holding it. The NFT is built on symbology connected to the modern Western world and is mixed with crypto culture. In the NFT, you will find meaning on several different levels, as well as a few surprises.



The Codex will be minting in the coming weeks, and the mint will stay open until it's minted out. We are minting on the Base L2 chain for a price that will be announced. There will be a whitelist of 5000 spots for people who contribute and help push the Armor Wallet vision to the world.

The NFTs will be ERC-721s and will mint in two rounds. In the first hour, only white list holders can mint, and then it will be open to the public from then on.




The Codex comes with a lot of benefits, some we are not sharing yet but some of the benefits will be listed here.

1. The rarity of the Codex will determine how much of a discount you get when trading with the Armor Wallet. The rarer the NFT, the bigger the discount. For more details see here.

2. The rarity also gives you a piece of the pie from the profit generated by the Armor wallet. Only Codex holders get to share in the trading fee profit. So, this NFT will help you earn even more!
Find out more here.

3. The Codex entitles you to a larger portion of the airdrop. The NFT will give you a multiplying factor for the Armor airdrop.

4. There are several other things that the Codex gives you but we will share those later.  


Primus Trait

Central iconography to the Codex defining the major function of the NFT.


Order Trait

This is the over arching community the NFT belongs to.


Marginalia Trait

Crytpographic messaging in the margins.


Pentaptych Trait

The main 5 panels at the center of the NFT showcasing the core traits.


Pennant trait

This is the motto or messaging of the NFT.